The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be my God, the rock of my salvation
2Samuel 22:47

05 January 2011

I'm the Man{-Mommy}

While indulging me in the squeeziest of throat constricting hugs {you know, those little hugs that mommies love so, so much!}, Langston proclaimed his love to me this afternoon.
"I wuv you, Mommy!"

Heart swelling. . ."I love you, too, Langston."

"You my fave-wit (favorite) man, Mommy!"


  1. What a thrill it is to hear your little Langston with his love for you. I could just squeeze him and love him. It has been just about a years since I've squeeze all the boys.
    Love Gramma

  2. I'd just focus on the fave-wit part and forget about the gender :)

  3. Langston;First I'll hug you,then I'll squeeze you, then I'll hug you again.
    then I'll top it off with a smootchy-wootchy.
    luv,,,,Granpa Bill
