The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be my God, the rock of my salvation
2Samuel 22:47

05 December 2011

Shutter Finger

In my spare time, otherwise defined as time in which I probably should be doing laundry, dusting and/or meal-making, I have been know to beg, borrow, steal {not yet . . . yet}
friends and children of friends to quench the desire I have for mastering this science/art called: Picture Taking. 
{ Picture Taking is the pre-cursor to photography, the level to which I aspire }
Thanks to all of my kind friends who have put up with me *suggesting* your need for some pictures -
I'm truly grateful for the opportunity you provided for me to gain some much needed experience and skill.
Plus, it was just a whole lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again!

Hello, Gwen?  I believe you are next in line?


  1. What sweet little children. Hollie you do a great job by bring out the best in these sweet little ones. Keep on snapping~ I love seeing pictures of your friends and their little ones and big ones. Love Gramma

  2. Oh, Mrs. F, can you please email me more of the B girls' pictures? I love that one! They're all so pretty and sweet. :) Thank you so much!

  3. Okay, how did I miss this?! Yes, I am next in line and looking forward to it!! :)
