The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be my God, the rock of my salvation
2Samuel 22:47

27 February 2012

Mad Scientists

One of the many great things about teaching towards two completely different levels of students is:
What a beautiful word!  I am a firm believer that one who teaches is really one who is learning the most.  Since we have finished up our planned Science book for our current educational year with the older boys, we have decided to let them broaden their Scientific knowledge by delegating Kindergarten & Preschool Science lessons to them.
Sounds like torture, right?  Take a look below and see how devastated they are at having to teach their younger brothers . . .
Demonstrating chemical reaction
Lecturing on chemical reaction
Loving the colors of chemical reaction
Kindergarten Learner
Preschool Learner
Drip-drop (the photographer was having a blast, too!)
Brothers . . . teachers . . . learners. . . fun!
One of the consistent prayers on this momma's heart is that my boys will treasure their friendships with each other.  I keep getting glimpses of how our Lord is answering my prayer - I am so thankful.
The remaining eight weeks on the school calendar will be a lot of fun - if we can keep them from blowing the house up!


  1. Good idea!! Looks like good fun too! :) I 'tutored' Grace in English for awhile. I don't think I was as diligent as I should've been ... but it was a good experience.

  2. When last I visited I did notice a certain chemistry between the boys.Now there are pictures,test tubes and all.

    luv Dad/gbill
