The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be my God, the rock of my salvation
2Samuel 22:47

05 September 2013

August Harvest

~388.25 pounds~
Every canning jar has been filled.
{and then some}
So thankful.  So, so thankful. 
Canned pears will be a delight come January when the winter winds are howling!


  1. Oh how wonderful, Hollie! I can't believe you canned that many - you are a whole lot more ambitious than me. We had about 35# - but quite a few those were eaten fresh before we made the rest into pear sauce. Delicious but it didn't last long. :)
    Have you ever read "Lucy's Summer"? Delightful picture book by Donald Hall (I think). Your canning reminds me of that book!

  2. How amazing!!! Are they from your orchard? When do you find the time ?? Love you Gramma
