The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be my God, the rock of my salvation
2Samuel 22:47

29 August 2012

Even Better

This is even better than receiving an apple from my students . . .

I think I moved from 'love' to 'like' status after I announced the spelling test.
Such is life when you are a homeschooling Mom!

23 August 2012

A Parenting Secret

Truly, they teach me far more than I could ever teach them.

21 August 2012

A Thing for Shoes

It makes me a bit teary to think of all the adventures these feet will experience this year, and the adventures we'll be leaving behind.

Anyone else have a thing for shoes?

20 August 2012

Class Picture

And another year begins- by His grace- to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior.